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What types of waste and debris can sewage pumps handle?

Sewage pumps are designed to handle various types of waste and debris commonly found in wastewater systems. Some of the waste and debris that sewage pumps can handle include:
Sewage pumps are capable of moving human waste, including feces and urine, from residential, commercial, and industrial sources.
Toilet paper is a common component of sewage systems and is designed to break down and be easily transported by sewage pumps.

Ordinary sewage pump
Sewage pumps can handle organic matter such as food waste, plant material, and other biodegradable substances commonly found in wastewater.
Sewage pumps are capable of handling solid waste materials such as small rocks, gravel, sand, and other debris that may be present in wastewater.
Sewage pumps can transport grease, oils, and fats that accumulate in wastewater from kitchens, restaurants, and food processing facilities.
Sewage pumps are often equipped to handle certain chemicals and detergents that may be present in wastewater from commercial and industrial sources.
Sewage pumps can handle dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide and methane that are naturally present in wastewater.
While sewage pumps are designed to handle toilet paper and human waste, they may struggle with non-flushable items such as feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, cotton swabs, and other foreign objects. These items can cause clogs and damage to sewage pumps if flushed down the toilet.
It's important to note that while sewage pumps are capable of handling a wide range of waste and debris, they may have limitations depending on factors such as pump size, capacity, and design. Proper maintenance and adherence to best practices, such as avoiding flushing non-flushable items, can help ensure the efficient operation of sewage pumps and prevent clogs or damage.